This show is the ultimate podcast for conservatives. Hosted by Michael Kee, a regular patriotic American that wants nothing more than for his country and it‘s citizens to be the best! If you are looking for an honest, heartfelt discussion on all topics then this is your place! If you are looking for political correctness, then proceed at your own risk because this host holds nothing back when it comes to the matters of our government, the economy, sports, and other topics that seem to outrageous to believe! Right, wrong, or indifferent, you can always count on getting REAL Conservative Talk Support this podcast.
Monday May 15, 2023
How A US Debt Default Risk Collapse The World Economy
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
In this episode I explain the U.S Debt and the risk it currently has of defaulting. I also explain what this means for you as an individual and a possible investor. This podcast explains how the US put itself into this position, what a default would do to not only the United States economy, but the entire world. I also explain different scenarios on how the government could go about fixing the problem and how I would fix it if I were in control.
#USdebt #economics #finance #USdebtlimit #modernmonetarytheory #mmt #capitalism #socialism #joebiden #politics #inflation
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Earlier this week in Uvalde, Texas, Salvador Ramos killed 19 kids and 2 adults at Robb Elementary School. Several others were rushed to the hospital to be treated. Yesterday Beto O'rourke interrupted Governor Greg Abbott's press conference to blame guns for the atrocity. President Joe Biden took the time to blame firearms as the root cause in his press conference. However, As the investigation developed, the Washington Post released an article after interviewing several of the shooter's peers. The article gives insight into the shooter's home life and personal problems he had unfortunately been dealing with since middle school. An extensive history of bullying, drug use in the home, and violent encounters that even lead to the cops getting involved in several domestic disputes. Mental Health played a major role in this 18-year-old's decision to carry out this cowardly act of violence. #SalvadorRamos #Uvalde #Texasshooter #RobbElementary #Washingtonpost #CNN #FoxNews #MentalHealth #betoO'rourke #JoeBiden #GregAbbott Washington Post Article
Thursday May 12, 2022
The Real Agenda Behind Roe V. Wade, WHPA, And The U.S Supreme Court Leak
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
A Draft of a majority opinion in the Supreme Court regarding Roe v. Wade’s constitutional standing was leaked to the public. The draft elects that abortion laws should be left in the hands of the states. Today the Senate also voted down the WHPA Act. #RoevWade #Prolife #Abortion #WHPA Pro-Choice supporters are overwhelmingly Democrats and they argue that abortion is a women’s health issue. US treasury secretary Janet Yellen also claims that abortion allows women a more equal opportunity in the economy because they choose to finish school, thus allowing them to obtain higher-paying jobs. Both of these arguments are weak and baseless and hold no significant reflection on actual abortion statistics. How did the leak happen? My opinion is that someone connected to Kentanji Brown Jackson leaked the report. Democrats have more to lose if the court gave the power to the states. On the flip side, the Democratic Party has an overwhelming incentive with this leak. Abortion is a heated topic in every single presidential, and state election. It is one of the largest issues that separate the two parties. The possibility of any changes being made to Roe V. Wade by the supreme court and a leak like this, at this coincidental time in the midterm process could serve as a much-need catalyst to rally Democratic voters to show up during midterm elections and give a much need boost to a currently failing party. The supreme court leak is just too much of a coincidence. Problems for the Democrats: If abortion were completely eliminated it could have costly impacts on their already costly policy ideas such as: the fully refundable Child tax credit that the BBB loan is trying to indefinitely extend, Free or subsidized Child Care services Immigration regulation and expansion It takes 18 years for a child to vote, and offers an accelerated path to citizenship for illegal immigrants is much more feasible than lowering the voting age below 18 years old Giving the power of abortion to the states could: strengthen religious beliefs and practices (many of these beliefs completely counter the ideology of the left.) It would strengthen the power of the state governments which in turn strengthens the Republic of the United States and the institutions connected to it like the electoral college (something the Dems have recently proposed to abolish). This would shift power away from DC and weaken the Federal government. https://bedbible.com/abortion-statistics/ https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3755/text https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/if-we-never-married-do-i-have-to-pay-child-support/ https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21835435-scotus-initial-draft https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/induced-abortion-united-states https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/ss/ss7009a1.htm https://www.amazon.com/Management-Unintended-Abnormal-Pregnancy-Comprehensive/dp/1405176962/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1340545336&sr=8-1&keywords=management+of+unintended+and+abnormal+pregnancy
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Dr. Bryan Ardis From ’Watch The Water’ Joins Me To Debate His COVID Snake Venom Theory
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Dr. Bryan Ardis from “Watch The Water” produced by Stew Peters, joins us today to discuss his theory on COVID-19 and snake venom. I have recently been critical of Dr. Ardis and his ideology regarding the origins of the coronavirus, however, we had a great discussion. This Friday Dr. Ardis will be releasing a trailer for his new documentary “CoVenom-19”. The documentary will show recently declassified CIA documents as they relate to the pandemic. #watchthewater #snakevenom #COVID19 #JoeBiden #DrBryanArdis #1stamendment #donaldtrump #MAGA #stewpeters #mikeadams #pfizer #moderna #johnsonandjohnson
Disclosure for YouTube: The content discussed on this show is by no means an attempt to spread misinformation. The information discussed is merely the opinion of myself and Dr. Bryan Ardis and we are only discussing our views. It is simply subjective. Make sure you verify any source of information regarding COVID-19 and the pandemic. It could save lives. This content is merely for enjoyment purposes and I have attached links below to legitimate sources for COVID information. Neither Dr. Ardis nor myself are responsible for any misinterpretations. #watchthewater #snakevenom Below are links to all of the studies that Dr. Ardis reviewed in his interview with Mike Adams, Zee Media, and The Watch The Water documentary. Along with a few other interesting ones I found myself.
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Joe Biden Cancelling Student Loan Debt Is A Terrible Idea! Here’s Why!
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Today President Joe Biden said he considering cancelling an amount of student loan debt less than $50,000. Elected leaders like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren have been strong supporters of eliminating student loans. Today I give statistics that show why the argument given by democratic lawmakers is actually ill advised, and how forgiving student loans will not only be pointless in terms of economic growth, but how it only benefits higher income earners. Furthermore, I discuss the relationship between Federal Student loans and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) a.k.a Obama Care. #Studentloans #AOC #cancelstudentloandebt #BarrackObama #ElizabethWarren #JoeBiden #Obamacare #ACA #AffordableCareAct #msnbc #foxnews #CNN
Video Credits:
Informative Links:
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Obama Call For Strong Communist Like Oversight Of Information And Media
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Today former President Barack Obama spoke at Stanford University about misinformation and social media. He expressed concern about social media users promoting information that caused people to no longer trust the government. He expressed his support to restrict certain forms of information from being published in order to grow trust for elected officials and "protect" our democracy. We also discuss Governor DeSantis and his attempt to protect the interest of parents and young children by standing up to Disney. #Obama #DeSantis #Disney #Freedomofspeech #1stamendment
Obama website pushing for regulatory action against free speech
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
In 4th grade, I was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome (TS) and since then it has been a major variable in how I have become the person I am today. Many people know me for my political, and economic beliefs, but now I provide more insight into what it's like living with Tourettes. In this video, I share my personal experience as well as several stories that, while funny, played a very pivotal role in my journey to where I am at today! I have not done a great job in raising awareness for Tourette Syndrome, and I have never believed that I am a good spokesperson for the disorder. But I would like to bring awareness to the people that have it way worse than I do! Tourette Syndrome can have a major impact on a person's life and I have been blessed that I can view TS as a positive factor for myself. It makes me, me! Please feel free to ask questions and If you have Tourettes and you need advice or need someone to talk to, please feel free to reach out! #TouretteSyndrome #Tourettes #TS #Tics #Tourettesawareness
For more information on Tourette Syndrome visit: https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Tourette-Syndrome-Fact-Sheet
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
My Heated Rant About Joe Biden’s Ghost Gun Ignorance
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Yesterday Joe Biden discussed his new nomination to lead the ATF. He also took the opportunity to discuss ghost guns and how they are going to try and ban the sale of them. In this episode I rant about the ignorance shown by gun control activist and why their legislation ideas are not only inaccurate, but they are also inconsistent and hypocritical.
Monday Apr 11, 2022
How Russia’s New Gold Standard Will Impact The World Economy
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Russia recently decided to peg the ruble to gold. Putin also stated that unfriendly nations must buy commodities in rubles. What doe this mean for the global economy and should we be concerned?
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
The 30 Year Bloody Truth About The Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
President Zelenskyy said Ukraine is deciding on a peace deal with Russia. This comes days after a mass grave was uncovered, and that 410 civilians were tortured and killed by Russian soldiers. Since then, Vladimir Putin has been accused of war crimes and the west is calling on him to be tried. Did the Russians really do this? or is it a setup after Joe Biden called for regime change in Russia 2 weeks ago. In February, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This is the full 100% factual reason and history for the Ukraine-Russian conflict. It covers everything from U.S foreign policy, defense strategies, and Russian defense strategies and explains how this conflict has evolved. The video also documents the relationship between American politicians, and their families, like Hunter Biden and their business interests in Ukraine. For the past several months there have been tons of misinformation and propaganda campaigns by the mainstream media that have created a pro-Ukrainian narrative, or anti-Russian narrative. They have criminalized Vladimir Putin. Here is the true history and reason for the conflict you have never heard before. #putin #Bucha #Zelenskyy #JoeBiden #Russia #Ukraine #Wolfowitzdoctrine #USSR #Hunterbiden #Biolabs #Burisma #NATO
FREEDOM Support Act of 1992:
Brookings essay on Russian Defense strategy:
John McCain Speaking to Ukraine Protesters in Kiev
George Soros admits to creating a fund for propaganda and TV stations in Ukraine to provoke protest:
Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Weapons elimination act 1991:
The Wolfowitz Doctrine:
Nunn-Lugar Act 2005:
Budapest Memorandum:
Weapons Proliferation Agreement 2005:
Sunrise Energy Resources 10k SEC document:
Russian policy from the Russian government: